
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Seven easy exercises, to keep the neck healthy and calm

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Be safe from disasters:  to recite YA MUHAYMINU یا مھیمن is so useful/ beneficial to avoid disasters and afflictions/troubles. One who will recite it for 145 times will be safe from worldly disasters.

Seven easy exercises, to keep the neck healthy and calm 

Don’t tilt your neck forward while standing or sitting. Pull the neck back and press the chin down. Don’t tilt neck forward while sitting on chair. Keep your neck and back straight. When you have to fix something above your head fix it by keeping a table/stole. Don’t see anything higher from your head for so long. Seat must not be so close or down while driving. Put a cushion if seat is so down. Purpose is that you don’t have to push yourself to reach/ get the steering wheel. Don’t watch TV by laying down and don’t watch TV by putting high pillows and don’t study in this position. Don’t sleep on your stomach. Lay down straight, and put your head on side and keep your arms down. While lie down on your stomach put you pillow under the neck not under your head. Use throne or a rug.

Exercises for neck:

These exercises are so important to avoid the neck pain. It reduce the neck stiffness and restores the neck movement. These exercises are very beneficial while taking shower. If you don’t have a shower then rub the soaked towel in hot water on your neck to shoulders two to three times It will keep the blood flowing/ it makes blood circulation better. Don’t exercise too much so you get tired. Details are given in exercises below.

  1. 1.      Do this exercise by standing five to ten minutes under the shower two times a day. Stand straight move your head slowly to right side. Then relax by putting it back to its position. Then move your head left and rest your head back in place.
  2. 2.      Do this exercise by standing under the shower for five to ten minutes two times in a day. Stand straight tilt your chin to the chest then move back to its place and slowly see the celling
  3. 3.      As usual this exercise will be done under the shower stand straight. Try to bring left ear to the left shoulder then relax to be back at place.no bring right ear to the right shoulder and relax to be back at place.
  4. 4.      Following the above do this exercise under the shower too. Raise your shoulders count till one to five bring your shoulders back to normal position. Now bend your shoulders back and remain in this position for some time then relax to be back at place.
  5. 5.      This exercise is very useful for those people who work on a desk, stand straight. Bring both your hands to the back. Hold a hand with other hand and stretch it towards the floor. While doing this stand on your claws and inhale deep. Fix your eyes on celling then exhale slowly. Repeat it ten times.
  6. 6.      Do this exercise two times in a day. It will be more beneficial after hot shower. Lay down on your back, Put a small pillow under your neck. Raise up your knees. Take a deep breath and stretch your chest and then exhale. Repeat it ten times, do this exercise two times in a day. It will be more beneficial after hot shower.
  7. 7.      Repeat this exercise two times in a day, it will be beneficial after hot shower. Lay down on your stomach, take your arms to the back. Hold a hand with other one, stretch your hands toward feet and bend both of your shoulders and raise your head up from the floor. Inhale deep hold your breath for two seconds. Then relax. 
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